Burnt Corn Salsa

Ep34 S1 Burnt Corn Salsa.jpg

Burnt Corn Salad


4 corn cobs, peeled
4 Roma tomatoes, deseeded and diced
½ red onion, peeled and finely diced
1 bunch of coriander, washed and roughly chopped
½ cup pickled Jalapeños, drained
2 tsp dried oregano
Juice and zest of 3 limes
2 tbs Red Island extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper


Place the corn cobs directly of your gas flame. they will start to pop, but that’s what you want.

Blacken each side of the corn cobs and let them cool. Once they’re good to handle. remove the corn from the cobs and set aside.

Mix all of the ingredients together in a large bowl and season with salt and pepper

Recipe by Andy Allen